Coastal Cult Watch—San Luis Obispo, CA, USA

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to the Central Coast Cult Watch

Our primary purpose with this new Coastal Cult Watch blog is to equip Christians and local community members for discernment regarding spiritual abuse, cults, and various religious groups that employ cult-like methods along the Central Coast of California and beyond!

For the Christian, we hope to strengthen individuals for the defense of the Christian faith. In doing so, we hope to help believers effectively engage in (counter) cult evangelism in a loving and kind and theologically balanced manner.

We desire to help other ministries and individuals fulfill this biblical mandate in California and extend our work through the developing world, where countless cultic movements are increasing and with the slightest bit of resistance.

It is for this reason that this blog was created. This site will post articles, reviews, news updates, and more on groups including, but not limited to:

Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Cambria, Unitarian Universalism, William Branham, Word-Faith, Positive Confession, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Unity School of Christian, Unity SLO, International Churches of Christ, King's Chapel Cambria, Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment, Christian Science, Another Jesus, Armstrongism, Children of God/The Family, Christadelphians, Christian Science, Church of Religious, Science, Church of Christ (Cambellites), Jehovah's Witnesses & WBTS, Mind Sciences, Mormonism - The, Latter-day Saints, Oneness Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Snake Handlers, Spiritualist Churches, The Way International, Unification Church (Moonies), Unitarian - Universalist Assoc., Unity School of Christianity, Word-Faith / Prosperity and more.

At some point or another, all of these groups and many more use the Holy Bible to back their claims, teachings, and more. In all cases, Jesus Christ is redefined. All these groups, at some point, deny the Person and work of Jesus Christ, His Deity, and the Triune nature of God as is found in the Bible. In the end, the Jesus Christ of Scripture is redefined.